Neonicotinoids are a group of systemic insecticides that have come under recent scrutiny because of the threats they pose to bees. Dr. Kim Stoner and Dr. Brian Eitzer studied the levels of two specific neonicotinoids in squash plants after being applied directly to the soil. They used imidacloprid—which accounts for 26% of the global insecticide […]
Macronutrient Ratios in Pollen Shape Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens) Foraging Strategies and Floral Preferences
It is important to understand how bees forage in their environments to meet their nutritional needs in order to improve habitat that supports pollinator health and populations. It is well-known that solitary and social insects forage very differently to meet species-specific nutritional intake. Pollen is the primary source of proteins, lipids, and other nutrients. The […]
Current Pesticide Risk Assessment Protocols Do Not Adequately Address Differences Between Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) and Bumble Bees (Bombus spp.)
Overview Bumble bees and honey bees have different life-cycles. Honey bees live in a social colony that is protective of the queen bee and overwinters each year. The queen honey bee does not forage for food. Additionally, the honey bee queen only leaves the colony once for her mating flight. Bumble bees are different because […]
The Insecticide and Miticide Mode of Action Field Guide
A resource to assist in managing arthropod pests of turfgrass and ornamental plants. Most insecticides affect one of the five essential biological processes or systems in arthropods: 1) the nervous system; 2) metabolic energy production; 3) growth; 4) physiological or structural function (including feeding and water balance); and 5) targeting midgut membrane integrity. Pesticide resistance […]
Protecting Bees from Pesticides, by Dr. Kim Stoner
Overview Stoner’s article is a must read for anyone using pesticides at home—especially neonicotinoids. The article dives into the best practices associated with pesticide use in order to protect the bees. Pesticides often pose a threat to other organisms in the area of application, therefore by only using pesticides when absolutely necessary, applying them properly, […]
Best Management Practices for Farmers Using Seeds Treated With Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Overview Neonicotinoids are a group of insecticides that commonly use in seed treatments for many crops includes soybean, cotton, canola, wheat, sunflower, potato, and many vegetables. Neonicotinoids can travel from the seed into the plant which control plant feeding insects both seeds and plants. Residues in nectar, pollen, and plant guttation could affect honey bees and native […]
Bees on Alternative Flowering Plants on Vegetable Farms in Connecticut
Dr. Kimberly Stoners article measured bee attractiveness of alternative flowering plants on vegetable farms. Stoners research has shown that vegetable crops are visited more frequently by wild bees than by honey bees. The results uncovered that 98 different bee species visited 10 farms over two different growing seasons. Many of the bees collected were found on non-vegetable plants such as cover crops and wildflowers that benefit from bee pollination.
Ornamental Plant Pest Management Guide and Pesticide Rotation Planning Aid
Overview This table include pesticides action, common names and ornamental pests. It will help you to choose the right insecticides for pest management and rotation to avoid resistance.
A Citizen’s Guide to Creating Pollinator Habitat in Connecticut
Overview This guide is for those who want to create a pollinator habitat in Connecticut. Dr. Stoner divided the users to four different groups: Beekeeper : supporting the health and productivity of your honey bees. Farmer or orchardist : supporting pollinators of crops to increase productivity. Manager of a large land area (conservation) : to […]
Using a Hazard Quotient to Evaluate Pesticide Residues Detected in Pollen Trapped from Honey Bees in Connecticut
To better understand the levels of pesticides honey bees could be exposed to in the everyday landscape, Dr. Kim Stoner and Brian Eitzer studied the levels of various pesticide residues found in the pollen trapped in honey bees as they returned to the hive.