Dirt field with new plants spaced evently in the ground.
Native and non-native plants newly planted at a nursery in California. (Photo by Lea Corkidi.)

In addition to our core plant sites comparing annual and herbaceous perennial ornamental plants [Xlink to previous postX], we established an additional site in California. This site was created to compare levels of pollinator attractiveness between native and non-native nursery and greenhouse plants.

This month, our researchers established this field plot by placing 10 plant species native to California alongside 8 non-native plant species. This plot is located at a nursery in southern California, and in May of 2018, we will be begin to take data on the number and types of pollinators that visit each plant. Stay tuned!

Table 1. Plants selected for experimental plot to evaluate pollinator attractiveness to California native and non-native plants at a nursery in southern California.

  Family Common name Scientific name Flower color
California native plants Asteraceae San Diego Sunflower Bahiopsis laciniata Yellow
Asteraceae Coast Sunflower Encelia californica Yellow
Anacardiaceae Lemonade berry Rhus integrifolia Pink
Malvaceae Apricot mallow Sphaeralcea ambigua Apricot
Lamiaceae White sage Salvia apiana White
Polygonaceae California buckwheat Eriogonum fasciculatum Pink
Rhamnaceae Concha California Lilac Ceanothus ‘Concha’ Blue
Rosaceae Toyon Heteromeles arbutifolia White
Scrophulariaceae Penstemon Penstemon heterophyllus Purple
Verbenaceae Lilac verbena Verbena lilacina Light purple
California non-native plants Grossulariaceae Escallonia Escallonia x exoniensis ‘Fradesii’ Pink
Lamiaceae Spanish Lavender Lavandula stoechas Purple
Lamiaceae Catmint Nepeta faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ Purple
Lamiaceae Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Purple
Lamiaceae Autumn sage Salvia greggii Red
Myrtaceae Bottle Pop Neon Pink Callistemon viminalis Pink
Oleaceae Waxleaf privet Ligustrum japonicum texanum White
Rosaceae Indian Hawthorne Raphiolepis indica ‘Pink Lady’ Pink

Researcher: Dr. James Bethke

States: CA