Best Management Practices Archive Filter the articles by clicking on the categories below. AllBeekeepersFarmersGardenersGrowersOur ResearchAll Beekeepers Farmers Gardeners Growers Our Research Urban BeesBeeMachineProtecting Bees from Pesticides (an app and a PDF), by Pacific Northwest ExtensionSearch Pesticides by Level of Risk for BeesBest management practices to protect bees from pesticides, by Univ. of California IPMToxicity of Common Lawn, Garden, and Ornamental Pesticides to BeesWoody Plants for Urban Bee ConservationProtecting and Enhancing Pollinators In Urban LandscapesBuilding a Better Monarch Butterfly WaystationCreating Pollinator-Friendly LandscapesBest Management Practices (BMPs) for Bee Health in the Horticultural IndustryThe Insecticide and Miticide Mode of Action Field GuideProtecting Bees from Pesticides, by Dr. Kim StonerBest Management Practices for Farmers Using Seeds Treated With Neonicotinoid InsecticidesOrnamental Plant Pest Management Guide and Pesticide Rotation Planning AidA Citizen’s Guide to Creating Pollinator Habitat in Connecticut