Juang-Horng “JC” Chong
Associate Professor, Pee Dee Research & Education Center, Clemson University
Bill Klingeman
Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, The University of Tennessee
Frank Hale
Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, The University of Tennessee
A resource to assist in managing arthropod pests of turfgrass and ornamental plants.
Most insecticides affect one of the five essential biological processes or systems in arthropods: 1) the nervous system; 2) metabolic energy production; 3) growth; 4) physiological or structural function (including feeding and water balance); and 5) targeting midgut membrane integrity. Pesticide resistance reduces the effectiveness of a particular pesticide after repeated and typically long-term uses of the pesticide. This guide help you to avoid or delay pesticide resistance.
The Insecticide and Miticide Mode of Action Field Guide (W 415) was developed as a companion to publication W 329 “An Ornamental Plant Pest Management Guide and Pesticide Rotation Planning Aid: Control options for Nursery, Greenhouse, Interiorscape and Commercial Landscape Use Sites” ( default.aspx). W 415 describes the mode of action and discusses the function of insecticides and miticides that are available for use against arthropod pests infesting ornamental plants in nurseries, greenhouses, interiorscapes, landscapes and turfgrasses.