Research Articles Archive Filter articles by clicking on the categories below. AllBee VisitsOur ResearchPollen AnalysisAll Bee Visits Our Research Pollen Analysis Tracking pesticide residues to a plant genus from pollen trapped from honey bees at ornamental plant nurseriesBumble Bees Regulate Their Intake of Essential Protein and Lipid Pollen MacronutrientsHousehold Level Demand Analysis of Ornamental Plants in the United StatesUptake and Dissipation of Neonicotinoid Residues in Nectar and Foliage of Systemically Treated Woody Landscape Plants*Research Published*: Identifying the Woody Plants That Attract PollinatorsMacronutrient Ratios in Pollen Shape Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens) Foraging Strategies and Floral Preferences*Research Published*: Honey Bee-Attractiveness of Ornamental Nursery Plant GeneraWhich milkweed species are best for gardens?*Research Published*: Results from Pollen Analysis*Research Published*: More Than Meets the Eye? The Role of Annual Ornamental Plants in Supporting PollinatorsSummaries from IR-4 Pollinators and Pest Management WorkshopSpecial Collection: Pesticide Exposure in Non-Honey BeesA screening-level assessment of the pollinator-attractiveness of ornamental nursery stock using a honey bee foraging assayMovement of Soil-Applied Imidacloprid and ThiamethoxamCurrent Pesticide Risk Assessment Protocols Do Not Adequately Address Differences Between Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) and Bumble Bees (Bombus spp.)Bees on Alternative Flowering Plants on Vegetable Farms in ConnecticutUsing a Hazard Quotient to Evaluate Pesticide Residues Detected in Pollen Trapped from Honey Bees in ConnecticutA review of the factors that influence pesticide residue in pollen and nectarQuantifying bee assemblages and attractiveness of flowering woody landscape plants for urban pollinator conservation